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baby blue eyes造句

"baby blue eyes"是什么意思  
  • And when he gazes into the toddler's baby blue eyes, he sometimes melts.
  • "She has these baby blue eyes _ just piercing, " he said.
  • One of his million-dollar baby blue eyes is a silly millimeter lower than the other.
  • Blue Irises, baby blue eyes, lupines, poppies, and sea pinks are featured in the park s variety of wildflowers.
  • "One of my favorites is called ` Baby Blue Eyes,'and it's about a guy I used to have a thing for ."
  • Aside from the signature Texas bluebonnets, there are scarlet flax, purple coneflowers, rocket larkspurs, baby blue eyes, yellow cosmos, yarrows, Texas paintbrushes and Indian blankets.
  • The band released new song " Baby Blue Eyes " as a free download on 13 November 2014 from an as yet unrecorded and untitled album due for release in 2015.
  • Five of the songs from it, including " Baby Blue Eyes " and " Little Miss Prissy, " were issued on the band's first American album " Built for Speed ".
  • It's an old story, the Marino-Johnson tension, the uneasy co-existence, the butting of heads by the legend-in-residence and power coach who can flash two Super Bowl rings in Marino's baby blue eyes.
  • The term " bloodshot blues " refers to the broken blood vessels in Freville's baby blue eyes and was a phrase Freville first concocted for the final installment in a three-part interview with Dr . Lester Grinspoon, M . D ., which ran in Kotori Magazine.
  • It's difficult to see baby blue eyes in a sentence. 用baby blue eyes造句挺难的
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